It's coming up on that time of year again when you're actually looking forward to getting the mail. The mail doesn't just consist of bills, catalogs, junk mail, and more bills! It includes lots of little paper surprises from people you haven't heard from in a year. It's fun to get photo holiday cards to see how their families have grown.
I do something unique with these cards. I tuck them nicely in between the branches of my Christmas tree. Not only does it fill in the holes here and there, but for the several weeks we have our tree, the kids get to study the faces of the friends and family members they haven't yet met.
This year, I am taking photos for clients as usual, but I've also started designing holiday cards, baby announcements, invitations, party printables and more! I definitely consider myself a jack of all trades! If I see something, I say, "Hmm? How can I make that?" And so I try! My husband tells me I should focus on one thing, but I can't. I really like trying new things, and since I consider myself a creative person, if it consists of making something, I really like to do it. It gives me such pleasure to see something that I've created come to life. Whether it be a photoshoot, and it's location, and all it's possibilties, or a handmade good. Being creative is the core of my being.
I absolutely understand the state of the world and the economy and how people are suffering. Photos are not at the top of the list for most. Capturing life's precious moments is my motto and why I started getting behind the camera. And with the rate that children grow and families change, I encourage you to document those moments. Keep in mind your children will never be this way again! Next year, they may be going through that awkward stage and refuse to be in a picture because of a silly little pimple. This year, they'll wear what you pick out! Next year, it's stripes, polka dots, and rainboots!
So, if you're considering having pictures taken for your holiday card, gifts, or just a keepsake, if you book a shoot now, I'll throw in 25 custom designed holiday cards too!
Happy Holidays!!!